• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Products tagged with Watts

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ReptiZoo Timer Plug In Mechanical 24 Hour 2 Socket

Timer Plug In Mechanical 24 Hour 2 Socket


Arcadia D3 Ceramic Pro Lamp Bracket Set with Switch

D3 Ceramic Pro Lamp Bracket Set with Switch

The Arcadia Reptile ‘Ceramic Lamp Holder and Bracket PRO’ is an easy to use and very versatile lamp holder.


Exoterra Infrared Basking Spot nano 25W

Infrared Basking Spot nano 25W

The Exo Terra Nano Infrared Basking Bulb emits infrared heat waves and is an excellent source of constant heat in small terrariums.


Daylight LED Spot NANO 5W

Daylight LED Spot NANO 5W

The Nano Exo Terra energy efficient LED daytime light bulb emits high levels of visible light, which is ideal for illuminating small terrariums.


Exoterra Basking Spot 25 watt Nano

Basking Spot 25 watt Nano

The Nano Exo Terra daytime basking bulb is an excellent source of daytime heat in small terrariums.
