• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Products tagged with triton

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Magazoo Leucistic baby spanish Ribbed newts

Leucistic baby spanish Ribbed newts

French name : Triton espagnol
English name : spanish Ribbed newts
Latin name: Pleurodeles wahl


Zoomed Floating Aquarium Log

Floating Aquarium Log

Naturalistic floating log for all types of aquarium fish, newts, frogs, or mudskippers.


Zoomed ReptiSticks™ Floating Aquatic Turtle Food

ReptiSticks™ Floating Aquatic Turtle Food

Zoo Med’s floating ReptiSticks™ are specially formulated to meet the needs of aquatic species of turtles, newts, frogs, and crabs.With added minerals and vitamins.


Zoomed Turtle Hut

Turtle Hut

If you want the look of a natural log hiding place for your reptiles with the convenience, strength, and washability of ceramic, then Zoo Med’s Turtle Hut is for you.


Zoomed Floating Turtle Log

Floating Turtle Log

Floating log for turtles.


Zoomed Aquatic newt food 57 gr

Aquatic newt food 57 gr

This product is a soft and chewy food, developed by zoo nutritionists and specifically intended for aquatic newts.
