Products tagged with tortue
JurassiTears - 100 ml
Product for cleaning turtle eyes
Tortoise & Box Turtle Flower Food Topper
Flowers are a natural diet, and can be fed to Sulcata, Russian, Pancake, Marginated, Leopard, Greek, Hingeback, Hermann’s, Star, Desert, Forsten’s, Red Foot, and Box Turtles.
Digital turtle thermometer
Waterproof and completely submersible, the digital readout faces forward.
Aquatic Turtle Rock & Substrate Cleaner - 4 oz liquide
Aquatic Turtle Rock & Substrate Cleaner is specially designed to clean organic waste.
Aquatic Turtle Extreme Water Conditioner - 4 oz liquide
The water conditioner instantly conditions and removes ammonia, chlorine and chloramines in added water, while detoxifying heavy metals.
Aquatic Turtle Bacterial Water Balancer – 4 oz liquide
Aquatic Turtle Bacterial Water Balancer naturally reduces organic waste from your ornament, gravel and filter systems, while reducing or eliminating pathogenic bacteria.
Grassland Grazer
Our Low-Protein, High-Fiber Gel Formula for Leaf, Grass, Flower, and Veggie Eating Species such as Tortoises and Uromastyx.
Aquatic Turtle Banquet® Block
This product is a food and calcium supplement treat. It contains natural water turtle food granules.
TurtleTherm™ Automatic Preset Aquatic Turtle Heater
Preset submersible aquatic heater for use in turtle habitats with up to 15 or 30 gallons of water.
ReptiSafe® Water Conditioner
The first instant terrarium water conditioner. Great for reptile water bowls, chameleon drip water systems, amphibian enclosures, and aquatic turtle tanks.
The Little Dripper and Big Dripper
It supplies water drop by drop to arboreal animals such as chameleons, anoles, day geckos, etc.
A special blend of Peat Moss, soil, sand, and carbon.