• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Products tagged with thermometre

Affichage   12 - 18 sur 18
Magazoo Digital turtle thermometer

Digital turtle thermometer

Waterproof and completely submersible, the digital readout faces forward.


Zoomed ReptiTemp® Digital Infrared Thermometer

ReptiTemp® Digital Infrared Thermometer

The ReptiTemp® Digital Infrared Thermometer is a small pocket sized Infrared Thermometer that instantly measures terrarium temperatures with the click of a button.


Zoomed High range thermometer

High range thermometer

This economical liquid crystal reptile thermometer is perfect for desert or tropical terrariums.


Zoomed Dual Analog Terrarium Thermometer/Humidity Gauge™

Dual Analog Terrarium Thermometer/Humidity Gauge™

The economical analog thermometer and hygrometer allow precise control of the temperature and humidity of your terrarium.


Zoomed Digital Thermometer

Digital Thermometer

In a dry or humid environment the digital thermometer is ideal for terrariums or reptile incubators.


Zoomed Precision Analog Thermometer™

Precision Analog Thermometer™

For precise control the precision analog thermometer is the ideal tool for your reptile's environment.
