• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Products tagged with substrat

Affichage   12 - 23 sur 65
Zoomed Tropical Bioblend

Tropical Bioblend

The perfect substrate blend fo your tropical terrarium!


Zoomed Eco Earth® Coconut Chips

Eco Earth® Coconut Chips

Zoo Med’s new Eco Earth Coconut Chips is a natural coconut coir substrate made from an eco-friendly, renewable resource.


La Swamp West Bark Pine - Écorce de Pin de l'Ouest

West Bark Pine - Écorce de Pin de l'Ouest

Natural pine bark.


Besgrow SpagMoss Premium Sphagnum Moss

SpagMoss Premium Sphagnum Moss

Premium New Zealand Sphagnum Moss harvetsed from the prestine environment of New Zealand's Southern West Coast!


Zoomed Tropical Bioactive Substrate Kit

Tropical Bioactive Substrate Kit

The term “bioactive” is used to describe a miniature ecosystem created in a terrarium or vivarium.


Jurassic Reptile Mango Leaves

Mango Leaves

Jurassic Reptile Products Mango Leaves are all natural and completely free of harmful chemicals, preservatives and artificial dyes.


Magazoo Ripe paper 2.8 feet cu.

Ripe paper 2.8 feet cu.

2.8 cubic foot (10.7 cu.ft. compressed) bag made from food grade paper.


Besgrow SpagMoss Premium Sphagnum Moss

SpagMoss Premium Sphagnum Moss

Premium New Zealand Sphagnum Moss harvetsed from the prestine environment of New Zealand's Southern West Coast!


Exoterra Moss Mat

Moss Mat

The Exo Terra Moss Mat is an extremely natural-looking terrarium substrate that can be used for all types of reptiles and amphibians.


Exoterra Plantation Soil block

Plantation Soil block

Exo Terra Plantation Soil is made from compressed coconut husk fibre from the plantations of tropical Asia. This ecological substrate is ideal for increasing humidity in the terrarium and is totally safe for frogs, salamanders and burrowing or digging ani


Pangea Hatch'em - Medium egg incubation substrate

Hatch'em - Medium egg incubation substrate

Premium clay substrate for incubating reptile eggs.


Exoterra Sand stone desert - oasis of black Bahariya

Sand stone desert - oasis of black Bahariya

This substrate reproduces the natural soil of arid regions, such as deserts and savannah.
