• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Products tagged with sante

Affichage   24 - 26 sur 26
Exoterra Riverbed Sand

Riverbed Sand

Riverbed Sand is ideal for many types of aquatic turtles as it is their preferred substrate in the wild. Soft-shell turtles especially prefer the find sand for digging and burrowing. Other types of water and ground-dwelling reptiles, such as frogs and sal


Exoterra Forest Moss 2 x 7 L (2 x 7 pte)

Forest Moss 2 x 7 L (2 x 7 pte)

Exo Terra Forest Moss is real compressed moss grown in tropical Asia. This ecological substrate is ideal for increasing humidity in the terrarium and is totally safe for frogs, salamanders and burrowing or digging animals.
