• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Products tagged with plastique

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Komodo Cricket Keeper Box

Cricket Keeper Box

Komodo’s Cricket Keepers are designed to house and easily dispense live crickets.


Aqua Globe Spike Group 33" Tall

Spike Group 33" Tall

Easy-care synthetic plant


Magazoo Square Punched Deli with Flip Lid 80 oz

Square Punched Deli with Flip Lid 80 oz

Perforated and ventilated transport box for the safety of your reptile.


Zilla Micro habitats terrestres

Micro habitats terrestres

Zilla® Micro Habitats are perfect homes for your small reptiles and amphibians or invertebrates.


Pangea Hanging orchids

Hanging orchids

Realistic plastic orchid


Magazoo Square Punched Deli with Flip Lid

Square Punched Deli with Flip Lid

Perforated and ventilated transport box for the safety of your reptile.


Magazoo Dual water worm feeding dish

Dual water worm feeding dish

Made of high quality plastic which is non-toxic, odorless, strong and durable.


All things reptile Tool to look in the mouth (ATR Repti-Prop)

Tool to look in the mouth (ATR Repti-Prop)

This article is very useful for keeping your reptile's mouth open for visual examination.


Exoterra Cricket Pen

Cricket Pen

The Exo Terra Cricket Pen is ideal for housing, keeping and dispensing live crickets. Crickets prefer dark spaces, and will readily crawl into the tubes which provide hiding places for them, making it easy to use the tubes as dispensing tools.


Exoterra Faunarium


The Faunarium is an easy to use stackable plastic all-purpose terrarium for reptiles, amphibians, mice and arachnids and insects.
