• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Products tagged with plante

Affichage   180 - 191 sur 201
Zoomed ReptiSun® LED HO – LED Module

ReptiSun® LED HO – LED Module

Replacement LED Module for all ReptiSun® Terrarium Hoods.


Zoomed Naturalistic Flora

Naturalistic Flora

Realistic foliage.


Aqua Globe Aqua Globe Cactus

Aqua Globe Cactus

Very decorative plant that can be used in aquariums or terrariums.


Aqua One Decorative Gravel

Decorative Gravel

Adding decorative gravel to your aquarium is a fantastic way to enhance and personalize its appearance.


Exoterra Floating water lens

Floating water lens

These unique, real-looking plants make a great addition to the water bowl or aquatic area of ​​a natural terrarium.


Fluval Fluval Lizard's Tail - Medium - 17 cm (6.75in) with Base

Fluval Lizard's Tail - Medium - 17 cm (6.75in) with Base

Very decorative natural looking plant, both in a terrarium and an aquarium.


Marina Natural Malaysian Driftwood Half Log with Plants, Large

Natural Malaysian Driftwood Half Log with Plants, Large

Realistic replica that can be used individually or in groups.


Marina Natural Malaysian Driftwood with Plants, Small

Natural Malaysian Driftwood with Plants, Small

Arranged individually or in groups, driftwood plant ornaments are lifelike replicas that add compelling natural features to aquariums and terrariums.


Zoomed Zoomed  Paludarium

Zoomed Paludarium

Build a dream house for your pets. Comes with a background image.



Zoomed Paludarium UVB & Plant Growth Lighting Kit

Paludarium UVB & Plant Growth Lighting Kit

Mini combination lamp with double deep dome for paludarium.


Galapagos Cholla Wood Branches

Cholla Wood Branches

Galapagos Cholla Wood is actually a fallen, desert cactus skeleton!


Pet-Tekk White Orchid 15''

White Orchid 15''

With this natural plant, your lizard will be able to enjoy the vertical space of its vivarium. Easy to maintain.
