• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Products tagged with omnivore

Affichage   24 - 35 sur 46
Magazoo Blue-tongued Skink (classic Indonesian) / 2nd chance adoption

Blue-tongued Skink (classic Indonesian) / 2nd chance adoption

French name : Scinque à langue bleu
English name : Blue tongue skink
Latin name: Tiliqua gigas gigas


Magazoo Kenyan Zebra Skink #1 Juvenile (regrown tail)

Kenyan Zebra Skink #1 Juvenile (regrown tail)

French name : Scinque zébré du Kenya
English name : Kenyan Zebra skink
Latin name: Trachylepis dichroma


Magazoo Kenyan Zebra Skink #2 Juvenile

Kenyan Zebra Skink #2 Juvenile

French name : Scinque zébré du Kenya
English name : Kenyan Zebra skink
Latin name: Trachylepis dichroma


TheBio Dude FlowerPower Herbivore/Omnivore Supplement (20g)

FlowerPower Herbivore/Omnivore Supplement (20g)

Flower Power is designed for herbivores and omnivores as a supplemental diet or as a palatable food additive.


Magazoo Male Chinese striped neck turtle /Adoption - 2nd chance

Male Chinese striped neck turtle /Adoption - 2nd chance

French name : Tortue chinoise à cou rayé
English name : Chinese striped neck turtle
Latin name: Testudo Mauremys sinensis


Zoomed Creatures™ Blue Death Feigning Beetle Food

Creatures™ Blue Death Feigning Beetle Food

Micro Crumbles for Omnivorous Invertebrates


Magazoo Blue tongue skink (Tanimbar) 1.5 years old

Blue tongue skink (Tanimbar) 1.5 years old

French name : Scinque à langue bleue (Tanimbar)
English name : Blue tongue skink (Tanimbar)
Latin name: Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea



Zilla Omnivore Mix - 4 oz

Omnivore Mix - 4 oz

It's a quick and convenient way to provide your pet reptiles with a variety of their favorite green vegetables and insects.


Repashy SuperVeggie 3 oz

SuperVeggie 3 oz

Our “All-In-One” Vegetable Supplement provides all essential Vitamins and Minerals for Herbivores


Repashy Pumpkin Pie Omnivore Gel - Seasonal Blend

Pumpkin Pie Omnivore Gel - Seasonal Blend

“Pumpkin Pie” Gel Diet is our first Seasonal Blend that is not specifically a gecko diet.


Repashy Cherry Bomb Gecko Diet - Seasonal Blend!

Cherry Bomb Gecko Diet - Seasonal Blend!

Spring Seasonal Blend
Complete Gecko Diet


Repashy Buffet beardie

Buffet beardie

This formula is for omnivorous species that feed on insects and vegetables
