• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Products tagged with omnivore

Affichage   24 - 35 sur 43
Magazoo Kenyan Zebra Skink #2 Juvenile

Kenyan Zebra Skink #2 Juvenile

French name : Scinque zébré du Kenya
English name : Kenyan Zebra skink
Latin name: Trachylepis dichroma


TheBio Dude FlowerPower Herbivore/Omnivore Supplement (20g)

FlowerPower Herbivore/Omnivore Supplement (20g)

Flower Power is designed for herbivores and omnivores as a supplemental diet or as a palatable food additive.


Magazoo Male Chinese striped neck turtle /Adoption - 2nd chance

Male Chinese striped neck turtle /Adoption - 2nd chance

French name : Tortue chinoise à cou rayé
English name : Chinese striped neck turtle
Latin name: Testudo Mauremys sinensis


Zoomed Creatures™ Blue Death Feigning Beetle Food

Creatures™ Blue Death Feigning Beetle Food

Micro Crumbles for Omnivorous Invertebrates


Magazoo Blue tongue skink (Tanimbar) 1.5 years old

Blue tongue skink (Tanimbar) 1.5 years old

French name : Scinque à langue bleue (Tanimbar)
English name : Blue tongue skink (Tanimbar)
Latin name: Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea



Zilla Omnivore Mix - 4 oz

Omnivore Mix - 4 oz

It's a quick and convenient way to provide your pet reptiles with a variety of their favorite green vegetables and insects.


Repashy SuperVeggie 3 oz

SuperVeggie 3 oz

Our “All-In-One” Vegetable Supplement provides all essential Vitamins and Minerals for Herbivores


Repashy Pumpkin Pie Omnivore Gel - Seasonal Blend

Pumpkin Pie Omnivore Gel - Seasonal Blend

“Pumpkin Pie” Gel Diet is our first Seasonal Blend that is not specifically a gecko diet.


Hikari DragonGel - 2.11 oz

DragonGel - 2.11 oz

It is specially designed for vegetable and insect-eating lizards, such as many species of geckos and bearded dragons.


Repashy Cherry Bomb Gecko Diet - Seasonal Blend!

Cherry Bomb Gecko Diet - Seasonal Blend!

Spring Seasonal Blend
Complete Gecko Diet


Repashy Buffet beardie

Buffet beardie

This formula is for omnivorous species that feed on insects and vegetables


Zoomed Lizard Flower Food Topper

Lizard Flower Food Topper

Flowers are a natural diet item for many herbivorous and omnivorous lizard species, including Iguanas, Uromastyx, and Bearded Dragons.
