• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Products tagged with naturelle

Affichage   24 - 29 sur 29
Zoomed Betta LED Lamp

Betta LED Lamp

Ideal for Bettas, Shrimp, other small fish and Invertebrates.


Zoomed Betta Catappa Leaf

Betta Catappa Leaf

Recreate the natural Betta habitat


Feller Stone Potted rocks

Potted rocks

Wonderful decorative rocks.


Exoterra Floating water lens

Floating water lens

These unique, real-looking plants make a great addition to the water bowl or aquatic area of ​​a natural terrarium.


Magazoo Vertical branch

Vertical branch

This hanging branch is made primarily from long-lasting, irregularly shaped, ultra-hard lima roots.
