• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Products tagged with lézard

Affichage   228 - 235 sur 235
Zoomed Repti Fogger™ Terrarium Humidifier

Repti Fogger™ Terrarium Humidifier

Excellent for use with tropical and equatorial species of reptiles and amphibians.


Exoterra Sepia Bones

Sepia Bones

Sepia Bones are an excellent calcium source for reptiles and amphibians. The Exo Terra Sepia Bones can be used whole as a supplementary calcium source for terrapins, turtles and tortoises.


Zoomed ReptiBreeze® IguanArium® 36"x18"x48

ReptiBreeze® IguanArium® 36"x18"x48

Excellent for green iguanas (up to 3 feet), water dragons, chameleons, bearded dragons and many large species of lizards.


Zoomed HydroBalls 2.5 pounds

HydroBalls 2.5 pounds

Clay Terrarium Substrate Expands "Hydro Balls" 2.5 lbs


Zoomed Cavern Kit with Excavator® Clay Burrowing Substrate

Cavern Kit with Excavator® Clay Burrowing Substrate

Everything you need to make caves, tunnels and shelters with Excavator® Clay Substrate.


Zoomed Frog Moss 80 in. cu.

Frog Moss 80 in. cu.

It is also called “Pillow Foam”; it will come back to life and develop in the terrarium, in good conditions.


Galapagos Moss Vine for climbing & hanging

Moss Vine for climbing & hanging

A 12 'long vine made from natural organic moss.
