• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Products tagged with lézard

Affichage   132 - 143 sur 232
Pet-Tekk Corner Bowl

Corner Bowl

90 degree angled rock bowl, ideal for a corner.


Pet-Tekk Small Worm Feeder Rock

Small Worm Feeder Rock

Rock to deposit the small worms that your reptiles love.


Treasures underwater Lava cave

Lava cave

This piece is a natural-looking volcanic feature, with sharp jagged rocks and lava flowing in bright colors.


Treasures underwater Red Rock Hideout

Red Rock Hideout

Incredibly natural boulder, with sporadic moss coverage and a boulder in red, textured hues.


Treasures underwater Treasures Boulder Hideout

Treasures Boulder Hideout

Rock covered with a light moss green color, with prominent leafy plants that add to the already look of the room.


Pangea Reptile Egg Organizer

Reptile Egg Organizer

Introducing the new reptile egg organizer with 24 adjustable compartments.


Cyropak Cyropak Phase 22 Pack

Cyropak Phase 22 Pack

The Phase 22 Expedition Pack provides temperature stability when shipping reptiles and amphibians.


ProBugs Eco-Fresh Grasshopper

Eco-Fresh Grasshopper

Freshly preserved mealworms, for those who prefer an alternative to live insects, while preserving its nutritional value.


ProBugs Eco-Fresh Dubia Cockroach

Eco-Fresh Dubia Cockroach

Pro Bugs offers freshly preserved insects to animal keepers for those who prefer an alternative to live insects; while preserving nutritional value of the insect.




Insulating and absorbent substrate for any liquid that is used for incubating reptile eggs. This product is recommended for spawning tanks.


Galapagos Basking Bark 12" - 15"

Basking Bark 12" - 15"

This bark is the most sold for terrariums. It is natural to add ambiance to any terrarium.


Jurassipet JurassiShed - 100 ml

JurassiShed - 100 ml

Product to help your reptiles to molt well
