• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Products tagged with grenouille

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API Sludge destroyer 8 oz

Sludge destroyer 8 oz

This product contains living beneficial bacteria that quickly and efficiently break down organic waste and debris.


Galapagos CrashPad Terrarium Liner for Reptiles & Amphibians 18" x 36"

CrashPad Terrarium Liner for Reptiles & Amphibians 18" x 36"

This product is a soft terrarium liner that is ideal for reptiles and amphibians.


Pet-Tekk Small Hanging Jungle

Small Hanging Jungle

Hanging jungles create a tropical terrarium by covering the back wall of a terrarium with a beautiful tropical plant.


Pet-Tekk Jungle Vine Bridge

Jungle Vine Bridge

Create vine bridges across your terrarium for chameleons, geckos, frogs and other small herps.


Zoomed Wire Cage Clamp Lamp

Wire Cage Clamp Lamp

The “wide mesh cage” design prevents heat build-up, making it the safest lamp available on the market for use with incandescent bulbs or ceramic heaters up to 150 watts.


Exoterra Drainage Substrate - Bio drain 4.4 pounds

Drainage Substrate - Bio drain 4.4 pounds

Exo Terra Drainage Substrate is a natural, but not organic, substrate that helps excess water runoff in a terrarium. Unlike other natural substrates, this one will not rot or decompose.


Exoterra Riverbed Sand

Riverbed Sand

Riverbed Sand is ideal for many types of aquatic turtles as it is their preferred substrate in the wild. Soft-shell turtles especially prefer the find sand for digging and burrowing. Other types of water and ground-dwelling reptiles, such as frogs and sal


Pet-Tekk Reptile Dripper

Reptile Dripper

It allows water to flow drip through a container with a capacity of 2 cups. It is held to the side glass of the terrarium by a magnet.


Zoomed Repti Rock Reservoir™

Repti Rock Reservoir™

This water tank is very practical for reptiles and amphibians and crickets. 650ml.


Zoomed Naturalistic Terrarium Frog Kit

Naturalistic Terrarium Frog Kit

The new Naturalistic Terrarium Frog Kit includes everything you need to create the perfect naturalistic environment for your amphibian.



Zoomed HydroBalls 2.5 pounds

HydroBalls 2.5 pounds

Clay Terrarium Substrate Expands "Hydro Balls" 2.5 lbs


Zoomed Aquatic newt food 57 gr

Aquatic newt food 57 gr

This product is a soft and chewy food, developed by zoo nutritionists and specifically intended for aquatic newts.
