• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Products tagged with Drainage

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NewCal Pets Charbon horticole / Horticultural charcoal

Charbon horticole / Horticultural charcoal

This is a soil amendment and substrate commonly used in the bioactive, horticultural, and dart frog and invertebrate hobbies.


Zoomed Tropical Bioblend

Tropical Bioblend

The perfect substrate blend fo your tropical terrarium!


Exoterra Drainage mesh - BioDrain

Drainage mesh - BioDrain

Natural but non-organic substrate that promotes the flow of excess water in a terrarium.


Exoterra BIOACTIVE Volcanic Substrate

BIOACTIVE Volcanic Substrate

Comes from the mineral-rich soil of the foothills of the famous Japanese volcano Aso.


Big Bites Organic balls 3 kg (clay ball)

Organic balls 3 kg (clay ball)

Essential item for draining excess water in a bioactive terrarium.


Exoterra Turtle Pebbles

Turtle Pebbles

Turtle Pebbles are smooth river pebbles that have rounded over time in fast moving rivers.


Zoomed Naturalistic Terrarium® Substrate Mesh

Naturalistic Terrarium® Substrate Mesh

A non-toxic mesh designed for use in terrariums. The mesh allows proper water drainage while preventing substrates from mixing and contaminating the water/filtration system.
