• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Products tagged with bleue

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Magazoo Brazilian blue tarantula (3/4'')/Pterinopelma sazimai

Brazilian blue tarantula (3/4'')/Pterinopelma sazimai

French name : Mygale bleue brésilienne
English name : Brazilian blue tarantula
Latin name Pterinopelma sazimai


Zoomed 15 watt elongated blue daytime bulb

15 watt elongated blue daytime bulb

Zoo Med’s Daylight Blue™ Reptile Bulb is made of a true blue glass (not painted or coated) for better heat transfer.


Magazoo Blue tongue skink (Tanimbar) 1.5 years old

Blue tongue skink (Tanimbar) 1.5 years old

French name : Scinque à langue bleue (Tanimbar)
English name : Blue tongue skink (Tanimbar)
Latin name: Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea

