• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Products tagged with agame

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Magazoo Baby Philippine sailfin lizard (Hydrosaurus) CB #1

Baby Philippine sailfin lizard (Hydrosaurus) CB #1

French name : Agame voilier des Philippines
English name : Philippine sailfin lizard
Latin name: Hydrosaurus pustulatus


Arcadia T5 HO Dragon Lamp 14% UVB

T5 HO Dragon Lamp 14% UVB

The most powerful UVB bulb on the market, this 14% T5 tube is designed for high end UVB output, suitable for high UV output species such as Uromastyx, Agamids, African Tortoises, Iguanas and desert Monitors.


Arcadia Arcadia T5 D3+ 12% UVB

Arcadia T5 D3+ 12% UVB

This 14% T5 tube is designed for premium UVB output, suitable for high UV yield species such as Uromastyx, Agamas, African Turtles, Iguanas and Desert Monitor Lizards.


NewCal Pets Agave Leaf - 2 Pack

Agave Leaf - 2 Pack

These leaves provide the necessary nutrients to the soil as it degrades, while serving as food and shelter for isopods and springtails.


Zoomed ReptiFresh® Odor Eliminating Substrate 8 pounds

ReptiFresh® Odor Eliminating Substrate 8 pounds

Natural mineral substrate that absorbs odors and stimulates natural digging and digging behavior.
