• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

ReptiFresh® Odor Eliminating Substrate 8 pounds


Natural mineral substrate that absorbs odors and stimulates natural digging and digging behavior.

Article number: 26158 /Z187F
Availability: Out of stock
Delivery time: Sorry, the product is not available for now

ReptiFresh® can be used with the following types of reptiles: Bearded Dragons, Leopard Geckos, Uromastyx Lizards, desert species of skinks, geckos, Agamid Lizards, and Sand Boas.

Can also be used as a “mix-in” with Zoo Med ReptiSand®, Vita-Sand®, or Excavator® Clay Burrowing Substrate to help reduce odors.

Stimulates natural digging and burrowing behavior.

Easy to use and maintain. ReptiFresh® can last up to 12 months before needing replacement.


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