• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Nutrafin goldfish food


Coldwater fish such as Goldfish and Koi do not require a diet that is high in protein. However, they will do better with a diet that is high in carbohydrates.

Article number: A7101
Availability: Out of stock
Delivery time: Sorry, the product is not available for now

Nutrafin basix Goldfish Food provides a complete diet fortified with multi-vitamins and stabilized vitamin C for all coldwater fish.

As a general rule, aquarium fish should be fed a varied diet containing freeze-dried foods such as Nutrafin basix Blood Worms. Bottom-feeding species should be fed Nutrafin basix Staple Food Tablets.


12 gr (0.4 oz): A7101
24 gr (0.8 oz): A7102
48 gr (1.7 oz): A7103

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