• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Halogen Basking Spot


Halogen bulbs are actually an advanced variation of incandescent bulb technology. One of the major factors that shorten an incandescent bulb's lifespan is the evaporation of the tungsten within the bulb. By adding a trace amount of a halogen gas (methyl b

Article number: PT2181
Availability: In stock (1)
Delivery time: The delivery time will be 3 to 10 working days depending on the delivery method chosen.

Highly energy efficient broad spectrum daylight bulb. Maximized heat penetration through increased infrared rays. Color accentuation thanks to neodymium. Can be combined with the Night Glo or Heat Glo bulb for a full 24 hour lighting cycle. The Exo Terra Glow Light Lamp (PT2052, PT2054 and PT2056) is perfect for Exo halogen bulbs

50 Watts (PT2181)
75 Watts (PT2182)
100 Watts (PT2183)
150 Watts (PT2184)

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