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Sub-Adult Chinese Water Dragon / 2nd Chance Adoption
French name : Dragon d'eau chinois English name : Chinese water dragon Latin name: Physignathus cocincinus
Bumble bee dart frog leucomelas
French name : Dendrobate rayés de Guyane English name : Bumble bee dart frog Latin name: Dendrobates leucomelas
Baby Eastern collard lizard captive born 2024 Male /Adoption - 2nd chance (Tail)
French name : Lézard à collier de l'est English name : Eastern collard lizard Latin name: Crotaphytus collaris
Golden-kneed tarantula (3/4'') Sold with enclosure / Grammostola pulchripes
French name : Mygale à genoux dorés English name : Golden knee tarantula Latin name: Grammostola pulchripes
Pumpkin patch tarantula (1/3'') Sold with enclosure / Hapalopus formosus
French name : Mygale Pumpkin patch English name : Pumpkin patch tarantula Latin name: Hapalopus formosus
Blue poison Dart frog 'Azureus'
French name : Dendrobate bleu English name : Blue poison Dart frog Latin name: Dendrobates tinctorius ''Azureus''
Juvenile Green and black poison Dart frog - Dendrobate auratus dart frog
French name Dendrobate verte et noire poison English name : Green and black poison Dart frog Latin name: Dendrobate auratus
Lime - Green -Albino Horned frog (PacMan)
French name : Grenouille cornue d'Argentine English name Horned frog (PacMan) Latin name: Ceratophrys sp
Baby Blue Tailed Skink Captive Born
French name : Scinque à queue bleue English name : Blue Tailed Skink Latin name: Trachylepis quinquetaeniata
Butter female Corn snake 06/22/24
French name : Serpent des blés English name : Corn Snake Latin name: Pantherophis guttatus
Okeetee Male Corn snake 06/21/24
Amel male Corn snake 06/14/24