• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Reptile handling tools

Here is our selection of handling accessories for reptiles; all you have to do is choose the one that best suits your pet.

Affichage   1 - 12 sur 16
Bird Claw Scissor

Bird Claw Scissor

Living World Bird Claw Scissors are carefully designed to trim excessive claw growth.


Terra  Tools Deluxe black double handle hook

Deluxe black double handle hook

Hook for handling large reptiles.


Terra  Tools Snake claw

Snake claw

This self-locking snake gripper is designed with a long handle that will protect you during your operation.


NewCal Pets Snake hook with telescopic golf grip

Snake hook with telescopic golf grip

Very practical hook for handling reptiles.


Terra  Tools Leather glove for handling

Leather glove for handling

Approx 18 '' length


Terra  Tools Hook with golf grip

Hook with golf grip

Very safe and comfortable hook for handling large reptiles.


Terra  Tools Stainless steel hook

Stainless steel hook

Very useful hook for moving large reptiles.


Fluker's Harness leash for reptile

Harness leash for reptile

Leash for reptiles with harness of different sizes.


Magazoo Snake Pinner 24 in.

Snake Pinner 24 in.

Hook made to hold the head of a snake.


Magazoo Herping Hook 42''

Herping Hook 42''

Hook for exploring animals in nature.


Terra  Tools 18 in. Ultra-light hook

18 in. Ultra-light hook

Ultralight hook for moving small reptiles.


Magazoo Non-blocking pocket telescopic hook

Non-blocking pocket telescopic hook

The strongest in the world.
