• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel


Before buying a pet, take the time to learn about its character, needs, adult size, what it eats, and the equipment needed to keep it in captivity. This will allow you to keep your pet healthy and for a long time.

Affichage   1 - 12 sur 17
Magazoo Baby Red-footed Tortoise

Baby Red-footed Tortoise

French name : Tortue charbonnière à patte rouge
English name : Red-footed Tortoise
Latin name: Chelonoidis carbonaria


Magazoo Male Red-eared slider turtle 4.5''/2nd chance adoption

Male Red-eared slider turtle 4.5''/2nd chance adoption

French name : Tortue à oreilles rouges
English name : Red-eared slider turtle
Latin name: Trachemys scripta elegans


Magazoo Baby Mississippi Map turtle

Baby Mississippi Map turtle

French name : Tortue Géographique
English name : Mississippi Map turtle
Latin name: Graptemys pseudogeographica sp.


Magazoo Gulf coast box turtle

Gulf coast box turtle

French name Tortue boîte Golf
English name : Gulf coast box turtle
Latin name: Terrapne carolina major


Magazoo Baby Chinese Box turtle/Cuora flavomarginata 2

Baby Chinese Box turtle/Cuora flavomarginata 2

French name : Tortue boîte de Chine
English name : Chinese Box turtle
Latin name: Cuora flavomarginata



Magazoo Male Red-eared slider turtle 15 years old / 2nd chance adoption

Male Red-eared slider turtle 15 years old / 2nd chance adoption

French name : Tortue à oreilles rouges
English name : Red-eared slider turtle
Latin name: Trachemys scripta elegans


Magazoo Baby African Spurred tortoise (Sulcata) Captive born #3 (2024)

Baby African Spurred tortoise (Sulcata) Captive born #3 (2024)

French name : Tortue Sillonée ( Sulcata)
English name : African Spurred tortoise
Latin name: Centrocheylys Sulcata


Magazoo BAby African Spurred tortoise (Sulcata) Captive born #2 (2024)

BAby African Spurred tortoise (Sulcata) Captive born #2 (2024)

French name : Tortue Sillonée ( Sulcata)
English name : African Spurred tortoise
Latin name: Centrocheylys Sulcata


Magazoo Baby African Spurred tortoise (Sulcata) Captive born #1 (2024)

Baby African Spurred tortoise (Sulcata) Captive born #1 (2024)

French name : Tortue Sillonée ( Sulcata)
English name : African Spurred tortoise
Latin name: Centrocheylys Sulcata


Magazoo Female Red-footed Tortoise 7 years old

Female Red-footed Tortoise 7 years old

French name : Tortue charbonnière à patte rouge
English name : Red-footed Tortoise
Latin name: Chelonoidis carbonaria


Magazoo Ornate wood turtle / Adoption - 2nd chance (Deformed shell))

Ornate wood turtle / Adoption - 2nd chance (Deformed shell))

French name : Tortue forestière peintetoilée
English name : Ornate wood turtle
Latin name: Rhinoclemmys Pulcherrima Manni


Magazoo Baby Pancake tortoise #2

Baby Pancake tortoise #2

French name : Tortue Pancake
English name : Pancake tortoise
Latin name: Malacochersus tornieri
