• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Dry food

Very practical, we have in store and online dry food for all your exotic animals; give as is or add a little water.

Affichage   60 - 71 sur 97
Exoterra Dragon granules "Grub" based on insects for bearded agamas

Dragon granules "Grub" based on insects for bearded agamas

These granules are insect-based, specifically formulated for insect-eating reptiles.



Repashy Veggie Burger

Veggie Burger

Our Moderate Protein Level, Plant-Based Gel Formula for Omnivorous Reptiles such as Bearded Dragons and Blue Tongue Skinks. Also makes a Great Occasional Treat for Herbivores such as Tortoises and Iguanas.


Repashy Grassland Grazer

Grassland Grazer

Our Low-Protein, High-Fiber Gel Formula for Leaf, Grass, Flower, and Veggie Eating Species such as Tortoises and Uromastyx.


Pangea Gecko Diet Breeding Formula

Gecko Diet Breeding Formula

A complete gecko diet, it is designed to meet the unique requirements of reproductive crested geckos.


Repashy Banana Cream Pie

Banana Cream Pie

Gel food for ominivorous or herbivorous reptiles, enriched with Vitamin and minerals and containing 70% real dried fruits. Ideal for skinks, bearded dragons, iguanas, anoles, and turtles.


Zoomed Aquatic Frog & Tadpole Food

Aquatic Frog & Tadpole Food

This product is an immersible granulated food, high protein sinking micro pellets for ALL Types of Aquatic Frogs and Tadpoles.


Rep-cal Tortoise Food

Tortoise Food

This product is formulated to ensure growth and good health by providing complete and balanced nutrition to tortoise.


Rep-cal Juvenile Iguana Food

Juvenile Iguana Food

This product is formulated to ensure growth and good health by providing complete, balanced nutrition to iguanas less than 12 "in length from nose to base of tail.


Pangea Complete mix of watermelon and mango fruit

Complete mix of watermelon and mango fruit

Made with over 60% real fruit
Our most popular crested gecko food
No seeds, nuts or seed meal
Protein from whey isolate and egg whites


Pangea Banana / Papaya Complete Fruit Mix

Banana / Papaya Complete Fruit Mix

Blend of bananas and papaya made with over 60% real fruit.


Pangea Abricot - Fruit Mix™ Banana Apricot Complete Gecko Diet

Abricot - Fruit Mix™ Banana Apricot Complete Gecko Diet

The banana apricot formula integrates at the base, three complete sources of animal proteins.


Pangea Complete Fruit Mix with Insects

Complete Fruit Mix with Insects

Our formula with Insects uses the same trusted nutritional base as our other formulas with all mineral-based animal proteins, while respecting the balance with the vitamins.
