• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Dry food

Very practical, we have in store and online dry food for all your exotic animals; give as is or add a little water.

Affichage   36 - 47 sur 90
Repashy Pumpkin Pie Omnivore Gel - Seasonal Blend

Pumpkin Pie Omnivore Gel - Seasonal Blend

“Pumpkin Pie” Gel Diet is our first Seasonal Blend that is not specifically a gecko diet.


Zoomed Blue Tongue Skink Food Crumbles

Blue Tongue Skink Food Crumbles

Carefully formulated by nutritionists to be a balanced diet to meet the nutritional needs of blue tongue skinks for proper growth and development.


Repashy Morning Wood Isopod Gel

Morning Wood Isopod Gel

Our Calcium Fortified, Super Firm, Long Lasting Formula for Isopods, Springtails, and other detritus feeding insects.


Repashy Cherry Bomb Gecko Diet - Seasonal Blend!

Cherry Bomb Gecko Diet - Seasonal Blend!

Spring Seasonal Blend
Complete Gecko Diet


Pangea Gecko Diet Fig & Insects Complete

Gecko Diet Fig & Insects Complete

This banana-free formula has a strong scent and fig aroma that will entice your picky geckos to eat.


Repashy Buffet beardie

Buffet beardie

This formula is for omnivorous species that feed on insects and vegetables


Repashy Pineapple Express Gecko Diet - Automn Seasonal Blend!

Pineapple Express Gecko Diet - Automn Seasonal Blend!

Here is our Fall 2018 seasonal product for geckos. This product is very tasty, and when testing with geckos, the bowls emptied quickly.


Repashy SuperLoad insect gutload formula

SuperLoad insect gutload formula

Our Super-concentrated gutloading formula increases the nutritional value of feeder insects. Contains high levels of Calcium and other minerals as well as essential Trace Elements, Vitamins and Carotenoids.


Repashy Superhorn Jar

Superhorn Jar

Our High Calcium, Vitamin Fortified, Antibiotic Free, Hornworm Diet for maximizing the nutritional value of Manduca sexta Larvae as feeders.


Repashy Mulberry Madness

Mulberry Madness

This product is a summer season blend. It uses powdered black mulberries as the main ingredient. Hurry to order it before fall.


Zoomed Lizard Flower Food Topper

Lizard Flower Food Topper

Flowers are a natural diet item for many herbivorous and omnivorous lizard species, including Iguanas, Uromastyx, and Bearded Dragons.


Zoomed Tortoise & Box Turtle Flower Food Topper

Tortoise & Box Turtle Flower Food Topper

Flowers are a natural diet, and can be fed to Sulcata, Russian, Pancake, Marginated, Leopard, Greek, Hingeback, Hermann’s, Star, Desert, Forsten’s, Red Foot, and Box Turtles.
