• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

All food

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Magazoo Dried mealworms

Dried mealworms

Dried mealworms can be given dry or rehydrated depending on the animal being fed.


Exoterra Dragon granules "Grub" based on insects for bearded agamas

Dragon granules "Grub" based on insects for bearded agamas

These granules are insect-based, specifically formulated for insect-eating reptiles.



Repashy Veggie Burger

Veggie Burger

Our Moderate Protein Level, Plant-Based Gel Formula for Omnivorous Reptiles such as Bearded Dragons and Blue Tongue Skinks. Also makes a Great Occasional Treat for Herbivores such as Tortoises and Iguanas.


Repashy Grassland Grazer

Grassland Grazer

Our Low-Protein, High-Fiber Gel Formula for Leaf, Grass, Flower, and Veggie Eating Species such as Tortoises and Uromastyx.


Pangea Gecko Diet Breeding Formula

Gecko Diet Breeding Formula

A complete gecko diet, it is designed to meet the unique requirements of reproductive crested geckos.


Repashy Banana Cream Pie

Banana Cream Pie

Gel food for ominivorous or herbivorous reptiles, enriched with Vitamin and minerals and containing 70% real dried fruits. Ideal for skinks, bearded dragons, iguanas, anoles, and turtles.


Exoterra Day Gecko Food 8 portions

Day Gecko Food 8 portions

The Exo Terra Day Gecko Food is a nutritious food blend that is specially designed for growth and long term health of Day Geckos and other gecko species


Zoomed Aquatic Frog & Tadpole Food

Aquatic Frog & Tadpole Food

This product is an immersible granulated food, high protein sinking micro pellets for ALL Types of Aquatic Frogs and Tadpoles.


Magazoo Phoenix worms black soldier fly larvae

Phoenix worms black soldier fly larvae

Low in fat and rich in calcium, the phoenix worm is on the market today, the worm that has the most calcium (along with the earthworm).


Magazoo Frozen hamster

Frozen hamster

Small rodent.


Magazoo Superworm


English name: Giant mealworms
French name: Vers de farine géant


Magazoo Butter worm

Butter worm

English name: Butterworms (large)
French name: Vers de beurre (gros)
Latin name: Chileccomadia mores
