Scientifically formulated to provide newborn fish the exacting nutritional balance they require during the earliest developmental stages of their lives.
Cherry Bomb Gecko Diet - Seasonal Blend!
Spring Seasonal Blend
Complete Gecko Diet
Eco-Fresh Grasshopper
Freshly preserved mealworms, for those who prefer an alternative to live insects, while preserving its nutritional value.
Eco-Fresh Dubia Cockroach
Pro Bugs offers freshly preserved insects to animal keepers for those who prefer an alternative to live insects; while preserving nutritional value of the insect.
Gecko Diet Fig & Insects Complete
This banana-free formula has a strong scent and fig aroma that will entice your picky geckos to eat.
Buffet beardie
This formula is for omnivorous species that feed on insects and vegetables
SuperLoad insect gutload formula
Our Super-concentrated gutloading formula increases the nutritional value of feeder insects. Contains high levels of Calcium and other minerals as well as essential Trace Elements, Vitamins and Carotenoids.
Superhorn Jar
Our High Calcium, Vitamin Fortified, Antibiotic Free, Hornworm Diet for maximizing the nutritional value of Manduca sexta Larvae as feeders.
Mulberry Madness
This product is a summer season blend. It uses powdered black mulberries as the main ingredient. Hurry to order it before fall.
Lizard Flower Food Topper
Flowers are a natural diet item for many herbivorous and omnivorous lizard species, including Iguanas, Uromastyx, and Bearded Dragons.
Tortoise & Box Turtle Flower Food Topper
Flowers are a natural diet, and can be fed to Sulcata, Russian, Pancake, Marginated, Leopard, Greek, Hingeback, Hermann’s, Star, Desert, Forsten’s, Red Foot, and Box Turtles.