• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

All foliage

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Zoomed Natural Bush™ Plants – Madagascar Bamboo

Natural Bush™ Plants – Madagascar Bamboo

Create your own jungle! Your reptile will never know the difference.


Zoomed Natural Bush™ Plants – Cannabis

Natural Bush™ Plants – Cannabis

Create your own jungle! Your reptile will never know the difference.


Zoomed Natural Bush™ Plants – Bolivian Croton

Natural Bush™ Plants – Bolivian Croton

Create your own jungle! Your reptile will never know the difference.


Zoomed Natural Bush™ Plants – Australian Maple

Natural Bush™ Plants – Australian Maple

Create your own jungle! Your reptile will never know the difference.


Zoomed Natural Bush™ Plants – Malaysian Fern

Natural Bush™ Plants – Malaysian Fern

Create your own jungle! Your reptile will never know the difference.


Zoomed Natural Bush™ Plants – Congo Ivy

Natural Bush™ Plants – Congo Ivy

Create your own jungle! Your reptile will never know the difference.


Zoomed Natural Bush™ Plants – Amazonian Phyllo

Natural Bush™ Plants – Amazonian Phyllo

Create your own jungle! Your reptile will never know the difference.


Zoomed Natural Bush™ Plants – Mexican Phyllo

Natural Bush™ Plants – Mexican Phyllo

Create your own jungle! Your reptile will never know the difference.


Fluval Chi Fluval ornament, grass

Chi Fluval ornament, grass

This grass-like accessory is designed to be placed in the cube at the top of the filter or in the basket at the bottom of the aquarium.


Pet-Tekk Small Hanging Jungle

Small Hanging Jungle

Hanging jungles create a tropical terrarium by covering the back wall of a terrarium with a beautiful tropical plant.


Pet-Tekk Jungle Vine Bridge

Jungle Vine Bridge

Create vine bridges across your terrarium for chameleons, geckos, frogs and other small herps.


Pet-Tekk Large Hanging Jungle

Large Hanging Jungle

Climbing leaves for tropical terrarium.
