Fournisseur officiel
Natural Bush™ Plants – Madagascar Bamboo
Create your own jungle! Your reptile will never know the difference.
Natural Bush™ Plants – Cannabis
Natural Bush™ Plants – Bolivian Croton
Natural Bush™ Plants – Australian Maple
Natural Bush™ Plants – Malaysian Fern
Natural Bush™ Plants – Congo Ivy
Natural Bush™ Plants – Amazonian Phyllo
Natural Bush™ Plants – Mexican Phyllo
Chi Fluval ornament, grass
This grass-like accessory is designed to be placed in the cube at the top of the filter or in the basket at the bottom of the aquarium.
Small Hanging Jungle
Hanging jungles create a tropical terrarium by covering the back wall of a terrarium with a beautiful tropical plant.
Jungle Vine Bridge
Create vine bridges across your terrarium for chameleons, geckos, frogs and other small herps.
Large Hanging Jungle
Climbing leaves for tropical terrarium.