• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel


Enrich your desert terrarium with this life-like foliage.

Article number: Z278E
Availability: In stock (1)
Delivery time: The delivery time will be 3 to 10 working days depending on the delivery method chosen.

There are 6 different, water-resistant varieties, so you can keep a beautiful aesthetic while providing ample privacy and shelter for your pets. They also have a removable rock base that blends perfectly into arid environments, while giving a sturdy footing to this décor.

Tree Houseleek: Z278E, BU-76
Burro's Tail: Z278D, BU-75
Red Leaf Stonecrop: Z278C, BU-74
Green Aloe: Z278B, BU-73
Euphorbia: Z278A, BU-72
Silver Mullein: Z278, BU-71

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