• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

These unique, real-looking plants make a great addition to the water bowl or aquatic area of ​​a natural terrarium.

Article number: PT3061
Availability: In stock (1)
Delivery time: The delivery time will be 3 to 10 working days depending on the delivery method chosen.

Floating plants give certain aquatic species such as frogs, salamanders and turtles the hiding places or resting places they need.

They help small animals and insects that are served as food not to drown. These plants are ideal for sterile settings like quarantine terrariums or terrarium areas where natural plants would not be able to survive and thrive.

Main characteristics :

Prevent reptiles and insects from drowning
Serve as rest areas
Have a natural appearance
Are easy to clean


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