• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel


Exo Terra Drainage Substrate is a natural, but not organic, substrate that helps excess water runoff in a terrarium. Unlike other natural substrates, this one will not rot or decompose.

Article number: PT3115
Availability: In stock (4)
Delivery time: The delivery time will be 3 to 10 working days depending on the delivery method chosen.

As for the optional drainage mesh, this keeps the drainage substrate separate from the decorative surface substrate and prevents, by not mixing the two, contamination of the terrarium water. The drainage substrate also acts as a biological filtration system for the terrarium. Thus, one can circulate the clean water of the terrarium in the waterfall of the terrarium, in the Exo Terra Waterfall System or on the plants which, then, will run off this water. Use Bio Clean (formerly Biotize) to speed up the biological filtration process. Non-decomposable natural substrate, creates a system favoring the flow of excess water, ideal for terrariums in tropical climates and paludariums.


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