• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

All decorations

Personalize your reptile animal's environment.

Affichage   96 - 107 sur 151
NewCal Pets Corkscrew Liana Vine (Rosca) Thin

Corkscrew Liana Vine (Rosca) Thin

Create a naturalistic look in your terrarium with NewCal corkscrew liana vine!


NewCal Pets Corkscrew Liana Vine (Rosca) Thick

Corkscrew Liana Vine (Rosca) Thick

Create a naturalistic look in your terrarium with NewCal corkscrew liana vine thick!


NewCal Pets Curly Vine, 20" Long (5-Pack)

Curly Vine, 20" Long (5-Pack)

Create a naturalistic look in your terrarium with NewCal curly vine, 20" long!


NewCal Pets Birch Bark Sheet

Birch Bark Sheet

Add a natural touch to your terrarium with birch bark leaves.


NewCal Pets Cactus Bark  apx 15-17"

Cactus Bark apx 15-17"

Cactus bark is available in approx. 15-17 "in length and 3-6" in width.


NewCal Pets Banana Bark, 3 Pack

Banana Bark, 3 Pack

Similar to Indian Almond Leaves, Banana leaves are highly recognized by aquarists for their capacity of altering the water chemistry, promoting health, and breeding of fish.


NewCal Pets Golden Mushroom, 4 Pack

Golden Mushroom, 4 Pack

Add a natural twist to your terrarium with Golden Mushrooms!


NewCal Pets Step Fruit, 12"+ -

Step Fruit, 12"+ -

Create visual interest in your bioactive terrarium with nuts and pods


NewCal Pets Elephant's Ear, 1oz.

Elephant's Ear, 1oz.

Add a natural twist to your terrarium with Elephant's ear!


NewCal Pets Devil's Purse, 2 Pack

Devil's Purse, 2 Pack

Add a natural touch to your terrarium with the devil handbag


NewCal Pets Canoinhas Pod, 2 Pack

Canoinhas Pod, 2 Pack

Add a natural twist to your terrarium with Canoinhas pods!


NewCal Pets Coco Para, 2 Pack

Coco Para, 2 Pack

Add a natural twist to your terrarium with Coco Para!
