Fournisseur officiel
Dischidia ovata plant
Natural live plant for planted terrarium.
Pewter Double het Caramel Pied Male (cinamon pastel) Ball python #1
French name : Python royal English name : Ball python Latin name: Python regius
Clown male Ball python
Star-fingered toad
French name : Crapaud Pipa Pipa English name : star-fingered toad Latin name: Pipa pipa
Bresilian black and white tarantula 2''/Nhandu coloratovillosus
French name : Mygale brésilienne noir et gris English name : Bresilian black and white tarantula Latin name: Nhandu colloratovillosus
Baby Mexican Golden Red Rump tarantula 1'' / Brachypelma albiceps
French name : Mygale mexicaine Golden Red Rump English name Mexican Golden Red Rump tarantula Latin name: Brachypelma albiceps
Woodlouse Culture Isopod oniscus asellus maple albino
Cultivated small arthropods, perfect for feeding amphibians, very small lizards and even other invertebrates.
Gargoyle gecko Stripe Juvenile
French name : Gecko gargouille English name : Gargoyle gecko Latin name: Rhacodactylus auriculatus
Baby male Mexican black king snake #4
French name : Serpent roi noir du Mexique English name : Mexican black king snake Latin name: Lampropeltis getulus nigrita
Tessera snow (2023) Corn Snake
French name : Serpent des blés English name : Corn Snake Latin name: Pantherophis guttatus
Baby Mexican black king snake #3
Baby Mexican black king snake #2