• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel


Affichage   1608 - 1619 sur 1835
Zoomed Natural Aquatic Turtle Food – Growth Formula

Natural Aquatic Turtle Food – Growth Formula

This product is recommended by zoo managers and professional turtle breeders.


Zoomed Natural Aquatic Turtle Food – Hatchling Formula

Natural Aquatic Turtle Food – Hatchling Formula

Floating granulated food specially formulated for baby turtles and young animals.


Zoomed External Canister Filter

External Canister Filter

Convenient small cartridge filter outside the tank for turtle tanks up to 15 gallons. Contains biological, chemical and mechanical filtration.


Zoomed Turtle Hut

Turtle Hut

If you want the look of a natural log hiding place for your reptiles with the convenience, strength, and washability of ceramic, then Zoo Med’s Turtle Hut is for you.


Zoomed Turtle Dock® and Turtle Pond Dock®

Turtle Dock® and Turtle Pond Dock®

The Zoo Med Turtle Dock® and Turtle Pond Dock® are unique floating docks for aquatic turtles to bask on. A self-leveling feature automatically adjusts to all water levels.


Zoomed T5 HO ReptiSun® 10.0 UVB

T5 HO ReptiSun® 10.0 UVB

Stronger UVB and Brighter Light: Twice as strong as standard ReptiSun® 10.0 Lamps!(see lamp distance notes on the packaging).


Zoomed ReptiSun® 5.0 UVB T5 HO – High Output Linear Lamp

ReptiSun® 5.0 UVB T5 HO – High Output Linear Lamp

Stronger UVB and Brighter Light: Twice as strong as standard ReptiSun® 5.0 Lamps!(see lamp distance notes on the packaging).


Zoomed T8 ReptiSun® 10.0 UVB

T8 ReptiSun® 10.0 UVB

This tube is preferred for terrariums taller than 12 ". UBV rays are perceived up to 20" from the surface to prevent or reverse metabolic bone disease.


Zoomed T8 ReptiSun® 5.0 UVB Fluorescent Bulb

T8 ReptiSun® 5.0 UVB Fluorescent Bulb

This tube provides an intake of 5% UVB which allows the absorption of vitamin D3 just like in nature.


Zoomed ReptiCare® Rock Heater

ReptiCare® Rock Heater

Zoo Med’s ReptiCare® Rock Heaters are made of a hydrated rock material that is twice as strong as cement or pumice, resulting in excellent conductivity and increased product longevity.


Zoomed Repti Heat Cable

Repti Heat Cable

Repti Heat Cable allows you to put the heat right where you need it. Wrap it around branches or cage furniture, or use it underneath the tank!Can also be used in the construction of the reptile cabinet.


Zoomed ReptiCare® Ceramic Infrared Heat Emitter

ReptiCare® Ceramic Infrared Heat Emitter

ReptiCare® Ceramic Heat Emitters are the perfect 24-hour heat source for all reptiles or plants.
