A lamp specially designed as a basking spot lamp. The tight beam can be directed precisely on an area to create a basking site. The heat and light in the beam is increased by 35%, allowing greater distances between the bulb and the basking site. The UVA (
Infrared Basking Spot
The bulb emits infrared heat waves and is a typical heating lamp. The spot lamp has a special build-in reflector to direct the heat in any direction required. The red glass transmits Infrared waves produced by the special filament of the bulb. The reddish
Daytime Heat Lamp
A broad-spectrum daylight lamp with a Neodymium sleeve. The spectrum is ideal for plant’s photosynthesis and the UVA (ultraviolet A) light contributes to reptiles’ physiological well-being. Another important factor is the heat emitted by this bulb to incr
Halogen Basking Spot
Halogen bulbs are actually an advanced variation of incandescent bulb technology. One of the major factors that shorten an incandescent bulb's lifespan is the evaporation of the tungsten within the bulb. By adding a trace amount of a halogen gas (methyl b
Reptile UVB100 / Tropical Terrarium Bulb
The Exo Terra Reptile UVB100 emits optimal levels of UVB, similar to that of shady environments such as rain forests or other tropical locations.
Natural Light / Full Spectrum Daylight Bulb
The Exo Terra Natural Light is a full spectrum daylight bulb with a very high visual light output and high color rendering index (98 CRI).
Daylight Basking Spot
A broad-spectrum daylight spot lamp with a Neodymium sleeve. The spectrum is ideal for plant’s photosynthesis and the UVA (ultraviolet A) light contributes to reptiles’ physiological well-being. The spot allows one to direct the heat and light in a certai
Nano Ceramic Heat Emitter
Zoo Med’s Ceramic Heat Emitter is now available in NANO size!
Nano Basking Spot Lamp
Zoo Med’s Basking Spot Lamps are now available in Nano size! Ideal for use with diurnal reptiles that thermo-regulate by basking, including many tropical and desert species.
Nano Infrared Heat Lamp
Ideal nighttime or 24 hour heat source for all types of reptiles, amphibians, birds, or small animals.
Aqua Accents
Zoo Med’s Aqua Accents Decorative Aquarium Substrates are made from epoxy coated aquarium gravel/sand which is safe for all freshwater and saltwater aquariums.
Floating Aquarium Log
Naturalistic floating log for all types of aquarium fish, newts, frogs, or mudskippers.