• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel


A proper hiding area is an often-underestimated feature of a natural terrarium.

Article number: AQ-CFWHS
Availability: In stock (1)
Delivery time: The delivery time will be 3 to 10 working days depending on the delivery method chosen.

The Aquaglobe Coffewood hideout provides reptiles and amphibians with a very stable safe spot to hide and sleep.

The Aquaglobe Coffeewood hideout also prevents stress, leaving reptiles and amphibians regular activities and appetites unaffected.

Key Features

Natural look, integrates in any type of terrarium

Available formats:
Small Approx. 4" AQ-CFWHS
Large Approx. 8" AQ-CFWHL

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