• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel


Offers a wide range of items to maintain a healthy environment for reptiles

You will find in our products everything you need to build a healthy terrarium / vivarium to keep your reptile happy and healthy.

Affichage   12 - 23 sur 30
Zilla Vertical Décor - Broken Branch

Vertical Décor - Broken Branch

This elegant decor is painted to mimic the beautiful natural realism of moss covered branches in nature.


Zilla Rock Lair

Rock Lair

The rock refuge has a mossy and rough rock exterior


Zilla Herp hotel

Herp hotel

The incredibly realistic appearance of the shelter under a rock provides a unique natural atmosphere that your reptile will greatly appreciate.


Zilla 8 oz - Vitamin Supplement Food Spray

8 oz - Vitamin Supplement Food Spray

In the form of a daily mist, these nutritional vitamins are complete for your reptile.


Zilla Decorative Rock hideout - Small

Decorative Rock hideout - Small

A magnificent hiding place that really imitates a rock.


Zilla Durable plastic den

Durable plastic den

The three activities reptiles enjoy most: basking in warmth, climbing and relaxing in a cool burrow.


Zilla Durable plastic bowl

Durable plastic bowl

Affordable dishes provide an essential area to keep food and water protected in the habitat.


Zilla Screen Covers with Center Hinge

Screen Covers with Center Hinge

The screen cover is hinged lengthwise allowing entry without the need to remove the heat/light fixtures.


Zilla Bark Bends

Bark Bends

Bark wreaths


Zilla Robust terrarium

Robust terrarium

More breeders and amateurs of reptiles and small animals choose this range of terrariums because of the sturdiness in the upper frame, ease of access and improved safety.


Zilla Jungle Mix

Jungle Mix

The blend of sphagnum moss and fir shavings absorbs many times its weight in moisture to maintain a naturally healthy humidity level.


Zilla Basking Platform Ramps

Basking Platform Ramps

All platforms are hand-crafted from durable materials that have the look and feel of rock, but are far easier to clean and will not upset the mineral balance of the terrarium water.
