• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel


Powder replacement meal for your reptile

Whether it's to feed your reptile, insect or hermit crab, we have the complete meal replacement and vitamins supplement to keep your pet healthy; just add water.

Affichage   1 - 12 sur 34
Repashy Repashy Meat Pie Reptile V2 (with chicken)

Repashy Meat Pie Reptile V2 (with chicken)

Carnivorous Reptile Gel Premix


Repashy Repashy Chicken pot pie

Repashy Chicken pot pie

For Reptiles & Amphibians. Meaty Omnivore Gel Premix


Repashy Repashy Crested Gecko Mango Tango Complete Diet

Repashy Crested Gecko Mango Tango Complete Diet

Our Mango Flavoured Complete Gecko Diet Featuring Insect Meal from Black Soldier Fly Larvae, Dried Banana and Dried Mango Fruit Powders.


Repashy Repashy Supervite 3oz

Repashy Supervite 3oz

Our Micro Fine Vitamin Powder Supplement. Contains both preformed vitamin A and beta-carotene.


Repashy Savory stew 3 oz

Savory stew 3 oz

Our Meal Replacement Gel for Meat Loving Omnivorous Species of Reptiles and Amphibians. Great for Turtles, Skinks, Tegus, Bearded Dragons and others.


Repashy Grasshopper Pie

Grasshopper Pie

Our Insect Based (75%) Meal Replacement Gel for Insectivorous Species of Reptiles and Amphibians. Great for Bearded Dragons, Skinks, Dwarf Monitors, Salamanders and more.


Repashy SuperVeggie 3 oz

SuperVeggie 3 oz

Our “All-In-One” Vegetable Supplement provides all essential Vitamins and Minerals for Herbivores


Repashy Pumpkin Pie Omnivore Gel - Seasonal Blend

Pumpkin Pie Omnivore Gel - Seasonal Blend

“Pumpkin Pie” Gel Diet is our first Seasonal Blend that is not specifically a gecko diet.


Repashy SuperCal


A range of 4 different fine calcium supplements with or without vitamin D. A varied choice for all species.


Repashy Morning Wood Isopod Gel

Morning Wood Isopod Gel

Our Calcium Fortified, Super Firm, Long Lasting Formula for Isopods, Springtails, and other detritus feeding insects.


Repashy Cherry Bomb Gecko Diet - Seasonal Blend!

Cherry Bomb Gecko Diet - Seasonal Blend!

Spring Seasonal Blend
Complete Gecko Diet


Repashy Buffet beardie

Buffet beardie

This formula is for omnivorous species that feed on insects and vegetables
