• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel


The largest variety of reptiles in Quebec; you are looking for a reptile, we have it.

We have the largest variety in inventory of turtles, lizards, snakes, amphibians, tarantulas and scorpions. In addition, in order to make it easier, we assemble elements to create an environment for your favorite pet; a single item to order and a whole set of selected products necessary for your reptile to have what it takes to thrive in your home.

Affichage   384 - 395 sur 450
Magazoo 1 day old chick

1 day old chick


Magazoo Sliding Cage Lock

Sliding Cage Lock

Resistant lock to prevent animal leaks


Magazoo Jungle Coco Planting Background Pad

Jungle Coco Planting Background Pad

Substrate for terrarium wall.


Magazoo Coco Huck Geant

Coco Huck Geant

Natural substrate made from coconut chips.


Magazoo Boa Sonoran Leopard (66% pos. Het. Super Stripe) Male

Boa Sonoran Leopard (66% pos. Het. Super Stripe) Male

French name : Boa constricteur Sonoran
English name : Sonoran Boa constrictor
Latin name: Boa constrictor imperator


Magazoo Ripe paper 2.8 feet cu.

Ripe paper 2.8 feet cu.

2.8 cubic foot (10.7 cu.ft. compressed) bag made from food grade paper.


Magazoo Female Pacific Arboreal Boa # 1

Female Pacific Arboreal Boa # 1

French name : Boa arboricole du Pacifique
English name : Pacific tree boa
Latin name: Candoïa bibroni australis


Magazoo Shipping box

Shipping box

Animal transport box.


Magazoo Ball python black pastel Clown Male

Ball python black pastel Clown Male

French name : Python royal
English name : Ball python
Latin name: Python regius



Magazoo Ball python Blade Clown Baby Male

Ball python Blade Clown Baby Male

French name : Python royal
English name : Ball python
Latin name: Python regius



Magazoo California king snake Aberrant albino baby female

California king snake Aberrant albino baby female

French name : Serpent roi de Californie
English name : California king snake
Latin name: Lampropeltis getulus california


Magazoo Snake Pinner 24 in.

Snake Pinner 24 in.

Hook made to hold the head of a snake.
