• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel


The largest variety of reptiles in Quebec; you are looking for a reptile, we have it.

We have the largest variety in inventory of turtles, lizards, snakes, amphibians, tarantulas and scorpions. In addition, in order to make it easier, we assemble elements to create an environment for your favorite pet; a single item to order and a whole set of selected products necessary for your reptile to have what it takes to thrive in your home.

Affichage   12 - 23 sur 454
Magazoo Baby Fat-tailed Gecko #2

Baby Fat-tailed Gecko #2

French name : Gecko à queue grasse
English name : Fat-tailed Gecko
Latin name: Hemitheconyx caudicinctus


Magazoo Female 5 years old Leopard Gecko #3 / 2nd chance adoption

Female 5 years old Leopard Gecko #3 / 2nd chance adoption

French name : Gecko léopard
English name : Leopard gecko
Latin name: Eublepharis macularius


Magazoo Female 5 years old Leopard Gecko #2 / 2nd chance adoption

Female 5 years old Leopard Gecko #2 / 2nd chance adoption

French name : Gecko léopard
English name : Leopard gecko
Latin name: Eublepharis macularius


Magazoo Female 5 years old  Leopard Gecko #1 / 2nd chance adoption

Female 5 years old Leopard Gecko #1 / 2nd chance adoption

French name : Gecko léopard
English name : Leopard gecko
Latin name: Eublepharis macularius


Magazoo Pinstripe Harlequin Female Juvenile Crested Gecko #2

Pinstripe Harlequin Female Juvenile Crested Gecko #2

French name : Gecko à crête
English name : Crested gecko
Latin name: Correlophus ciliatus


Magazoo Lavender White Out Extreme Harlequin Male Juvenile Crested Gecko

Lavender White Out Extreme Harlequin Male Juvenile Crested Gecko

French name : Gecko à crête
English name : Crested gecko
Latin name: Correlophus ciliatus


Magazoo Ink Blot Super Dalmatian Harlequin Female Juvenile Crested Gecko

Ink Blot Super Dalmatian Harlequin Female Juvenile Crested Gecko

French name : Gecko à crête
English name : Crested gecko
Latin name: Correlophus ciliatus


Magazoo Complete kit for Arboreal Arachnid (Large)

Complete kit for Arboreal Arachnid (Large)


Magazoo Male Australian barking gecko #2

Male Australian barking gecko #2

French name : Gecko aboyeur australien
English name : Australian barking gecko
Latin name: Underwoodisaurus milii


Magazoo Palmetto Anery Male Corn Snake

Palmetto Anery Male Corn Snake

French name : Serpent des blés
English name : Corn Snake
Latin name: Pantherophis guttatus


Magazoo Palmetto snow male Corn snake

Palmetto snow male Corn snake

French name : Serpent des blés
English name : Corn Snake
Latin name: Pantherophis guttatus


Magazoo Bloodred piedsided snow female corn snake

Bloodred piedsided snow female corn snake

French name : Serpent des blés
English name : Corn Snake
Latin name: Pantherophis guttatus
