• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel


The largest variety of reptiles in Quebec; you are looking for a reptile, we have it.

We have the largest variety in inventory of turtles, lizards, snakes, amphibians, tarantulas and scorpions. In addition, in order to make it easier, we assemble elements to create an environment for your favorite pet; a single item to order and a whole set of selected products necessary for your reptile to have what it takes to thrive in your home.

Affichage   216 - 227 sur 455
Magazoo Green Basilisk 2.5 years old (sold as a couple)

Green Basilisk 2.5 years old (sold as a couple)

French name : Basilic vert
English name : Green Basilisk
Latin name: Basiliscus plumifrons


Magazoo Rough-neck monitor

Rough-neck monitor

French name : Varan bec de corbeau
English name : Rough-neck monitor
Latin name: Varanus rudicollis


Magazoo Female Black Asian scorpion

Female Black Asian scorpion

French name : Scorpion noir d'Asie
English name : Black Asian scorpion
Latin name: Heterometrus spinife


Magazoo Baby Green keel-bellied lizard (Gastropholis prasina) 06-2024

Baby Green keel-bellied lizard (Gastropholis prasina) 06-2024

French name : Lézard vert arboricole
English name : Green keel-bellied lizard
Latin name: Gastropholis prasina


Magazoo Leopard Gecko Female Adult 11 years old / 2nd chance adoption

Leopard Gecko Female Adult 11 years old / 2nd chance adoption

French name : Gecko léopard
English name : Leopard gecko
Latin name: Eublepharis macularius


Magazoo Pinguicula gigantea  X mactezumae plant (large)

Pinguicula gigantea X mactezumae plant (large)

Natural live plant for planted terrarium.


Magazoo Live discoid cockroaches - Unit

Live discoid cockroaches - Unit

Live cockroach to feed your pets.


Magazoo Tangerine Tornado Leopard gecko 15/5/24 male #71 (SPECIAL ORDER)

Tangerine Tornado Leopard gecko 15/5/24 male #71 (SPECIAL ORDER)

French name : Gecko léopard
English name : Leopard gecko
Latin name: Eublepharis macularius


Magazoo Bold Tremper Super giant Leopard gecko 4/28/24 female

Bold Tremper Super giant Leopard gecko 4/28/24 female

French name : Gecko léopard Super Giant
English name : Super Giant Leopard gecko
Latin name: Eublepharis macularius


Magazoo Bold Lavender Super giant Leopard gecko 05/11/24 female #61 (SPECIAL ORDER)

Bold Lavender Super giant Leopard gecko 05/11/24 female #61 (SPECIAL ORDER)

French name : Gecko léopard Super Giant
English name : Super Giant Leopard gecko
Latin name: Eublepharis macularius


Magazoo Volcano Leopard gecko 05/18/24 male #81 (SPECIAL ORDER)

Volcano Leopard gecko 05/18/24 male #81 (SPECIAL ORDER)

French name : Gecko léopard
English name : Leopard gecko
Latin name: Eublepharis macularius


Magazoo Macksnow Bold Stripe Leopard gecko 05/13/24 male #67 (SPECIAL ORDER)

Macksnow Bold Stripe Leopard gecko 05/13/24 male #67 (SPECIAL ORDER)

French name : Gecko léopard
English name : Leopard gecko
Latin name: Eublepharis macularius
