• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel


The largest variety of reptiles in Quebec; you are looking for a reptile, we have it.

We have the largest variety in inventory of turtles, lizards, snakes, amphibians, tarantulas and scorpions. In addition, in order to make it easier, we assemble elements to create an environment for your favorite pet; a single item to order and a whole set of selected products necessary for your reptile to have what it takes to thrive in your home.

Affichage   1 - 12 sur 453
Magazoo Sub-Adult Chinese Water Dragon / 2nd Chance Adoption

Sub-Adult Chinese Water Dragon / 2nd Chance Adoption

French name : Dragon d'eau chinois
English name : Chinese water dragon
Latin name: Physignathus cocincinus


Magazoo Bumble bee dart frog leucomelas

Bumble bee dart frog leucomelas

French name : Dendrobate rayés de Guyane
English name : Bumble bee dart frog
Latin name: Dendrobates leucomelas


Magazoo Baby Eastern collard lizard captive born 2024 Male /Adoption - 2nd chance (Tail)

Baby Eastern collard lizard captive born 2024 Male /Adoption - 2nd chance (Tail)

French name : Lézard à collier de l'est
English name : Eastern collard lizard
Latin name: Crotaphytus collaris


Magazoo Pumpkin patch tarantula (1/3'') Sold with enclosure / Hapalopus formosus

Pumpkin patch tarantula (1/3'') Sold with enclosure / Hapalopus formosus

French name : Mygale Pumpkin patch
English name : Pumpkin patch tarantula
Latin name: Hapalopus formosus


Magazoo Blue poison Dart frog  'Azureus'

Blue poison Dart frog 'Azureus'

French name : Dendrobate bleu
English name : Blue poison Dart frog
Latin name: Dendrobates tinctorius ''Azureus''


Magazoo Juvenile Green and black poison Dart frog  - Dendrobate auratus dart frog

Juvenile Green and black poison Dart frog - Dendrobate auratus dart frog

French name Dendrobate verte et noire poison
English name : Green and black poison Dart frog
Latin name: Dendrobate auratus


Magazoo Hemisgraphis Alternata Plant

Hemisgraphis Alternata Plant

Natural live plant for planted terrarium.


Magazoo Peperomia Scandens Plant

Peperomia Scandens Plant

Natural live plant for planted terrarium.


Magazoo Ludwidia arcuata plant

Ludwidia arcuata plant

Natural live plant for planted terrarium.


Magazoo Lime - Green -Albino Horned frog (PacMan)

Lime - Green -Albino Horned frog (PacMan)

French name : Grenouille cornue d'Argentine
English name Horned frog (PacMan)
Latin name: Ceratophrys sp


Magazoo Baby Blue Tailed Skink Captive Born

Baby Blue Tailed Skink Captive Born

French name : Scinque à queue bleue
English name : Blue Tailed Skink
Latin name: Trachylepis quinquetaeniata


Magazoo Butter female Corn snake 06/22/24

Butter female Corn snake 06/22/24

French name : Serpent des blés
English name : Corn Snake
Latin name: Pantherophis guttatus
