• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel


The largest selection of exotic animals in Quebec. Before buying a lizard, take the time to learn about its character, needs, adult size, what it eats, and what equipment it needs to keep it in captivity. This will allow you to keep your pet healthy and for a long time.

Affichage   84 - 87 sur 87
Magazoo Blue tongue skink (Tanimbar) 1.5 years old

Blue tongue skink (Tanimbar) 1.5 years old

French name : Scinque à langue bleue (Tanimbar)
English name : Blue tongue skink (Tanimbar)
Latin name: Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea



Magazoo House Gecko female

House Gecko female

French name : Gecko des Maisons
English name : House Gecko
Latin name: Hemidacdylus frenatus


Magazoo House Gecko male

House Gecko male

French name : Gecko Peter des Maisons
English name : House Gecko
Latin name: Hemidacdylus frenatus
