• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel


The largest selection of exotic animals in Quebec. Before buying a lizard, take the time to learn about its character, needs, adult size, what it eats, and what equipment it needs to keep it in captivity. This will allow you to keep your pet healthy and for a long time.

Affichage   24 - 35 sur 78
Magazoo Male Pumpkin Leopard gecko August 2024

Male Pumpkin Leopard gecko August 2024

French name : Gecko léopard
English name : Leopard gecko
Latin name: Eublepharis macularius


Magazoo Orange Blotch Juvenile Gargoyle gecko

Orange Blotch Juvenile Gargoyle gecko

French name : Gecko gargouille
English name : Gargoyle gecko
Latin name: Rhacodactylus auriculatus


Magazoo Baby Chinese cave gecko #1

Baby Chinese cave gecko #1

French name : Gecko chinois des cavernes
English name : Chinese cave gecko
Latin name: Gonivrosaurus hainanensis


Magazoo Baby Chinese cave gecko #2

Baby Chinese cave gecko #2

French name : Gecko chinois des cavernes
English name : Chinese cave gecko
Latin name: Gonivrosaurus hainanensis


Magazoo Low Translucent Male Veiled Chameleon #2

Low Translucent Male Veiled Chameleon #2

French name : Caméléon casqué du Yemen
English name : Veiled Chameleon
Latin name: Calyptratus calyptratus


Magazoo Hypo dunner het zero Adult male Bearded dragon

Hypo dunner het zero Adult male Bearded dragon

French name : Dragon barbu
English name : Bearded dragon
Latin name: Pagona vitticeps


Magazoo Bell Albino Het Eclipse Male Leopard gecko 9/9/24

Bell Albino Het Eclipse Male Leopard gecko 9/9/24

French name : Gecko léopard
English name : Leopard gecko
Latin name: Eublepharis macularius


Magazoo Male Ambilobe Panther Chameleon (September 2024)

Male Ambilobe Panther Chameleon (September 2024)

French name : Caméléon Panthère
English name : Panther chameleon
Latin name: Furcifer pardalis


Magazoo Female Ambilobe Panther Chameleon (September 2024)

Female Ambilobe Panther Chameleon (September 2024)

French name : Caméléon Panthère
English name : Panther chameleon
Latin name: Furcifer pardalis


Magazoo Baby Philippine sailfin lizard (Hydrosaurus) CB #1

Baby Philippine sailfin lizard (Hydrosaurus) CB #1

French name : Agame voilier des Philippines
English name : Philippine sailfin lizard
Latin name: Hydrosaurus pustulatus


Magazoo Captive born Electric blue day gecko (williamsi)

Captive born Electric blue day gecko (williamsi)

French name : Gecko diurne bleu électrique
English name : Electric blue day gecko
Latin name: Lygodactylus williamsi


Magazoo Green iguana

Green iguana

French name : Iguane lime
English name : Green iguana
Latin name: Iguana iguana
