• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel


The largest selection of exotic animals in Quebec. Before buying an amphibian, take the time to learn about its character, needs, adult size, what it eats, and the equipment needed to keep it in captivity. This will allow you to keep your pet healthy and for a long time.

Affichage   12 - 24 sur 24
Magazoo Adult Amazone Milk frog #1

Adult Amazone Milk frog #1

French name : Rainette laiteuse
English name : Amazone Milk frog
Latin name: Phrynohyas resinifictrix


Magazoo Juvenile White's tree frog #2

Juvenile White's tree frog #2

French name : Rainette de White
English name : White's tree frog
Latin name: Litoria caerula ssp


Magazoo Baby Green and black poison Dart frog - Dendrobate auratus dart frog

Baby Green and black poison Dart frog - Dendrobate auratus dart frog

French name Dendrobate verte et noire poison
English name : Green and black poison Dart frog
Latin name: Dendrobate auratus


Magazoo Splash-backed poison frog / Adelphobates galactonotus

Splash-backed poison frog / Adelphobates galactonotus

French name : Grenouille Galactonotus rouge
English name : Splash-backed poison frog
Latin name: Adelphobates galactonotus


Leucistic baby spanish Ribbed newts

Leucistic baby spanish Ribbed newts

French name : Triton espagnol
English name : spanish Ribbed newts
Latin name: Pleurodeles wahl


Magazoo Mint Golden frog poison / Phyllobates terribilis

Mint Golden frog poison / Phyllobates terribilis

French name : Grenouille poison Phyllobates terribilis Mint
English name : Golden frog poison
Latin name: Phyllobates terribilis Mint


Magazoo True Sipaliwini Poison Dart frog

True Sipaliwini Poison Dart frog

French name : Dendrobate tinctorius 'True Sipaliwini'
English name : True Sipaliwini Poison Dart frog
Latin name: Dendrobates tinctorius ''True Sipaliwini''


Magazoo Cobalt tinctorius poison Dart frog

Cobalt tinctorius poison Dart frog

French name : Dendrobate cobalt
English name : Cobalt poison Dart frog
Latin name: Dendrobates tinctorius ''Cobalt''


Magazoo Mossy frog Male

Mossy frog Male

French name : Grenouille mousse du Vietnam
English name : Mossy frog
Latin name: Theloderma corticale


Magazoo Giant African Bull Frog (Pixie) #2 female

Giant African Bull Frog (Pixie) #2 female

French name : Grenouille taureau africaine (PIXIE Géante)
English name : Giant bullfrog,
Latin name: Pyxicephalus adspersus


Magazoo Giant African Bullfrog #1 (Pixie) female

Giant African Bullfrog #1 (Pixie) female

French name : Grenouille taureau africaine (PIXIE Géante)
English name : Giant bullfrog,
Latin name: Pyxicephalus adspersus


Magazoo Horned frog Blue Peppermint (pac man)

Horned frog Blue Peppermint (pac man)

French name : Grenouille cornue d'Argentine
English name Horned frog (PacMan)
Latin name: Ceratophrys sp
