• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

All the animals

Before buying a pet, take the time to learn about its character, needs, adult size, what it eats, and the equipment needed to keep it in captivity. This will allow you to keep your pet healthy and for a long time.

We have a very wide variety of snakes, lizards, turtles, amphibians, arachnids and scorpions in stock.

Affichage   24 - 35 sur 303
Magazoo Lined California king snake #1 male

Lined California king snake #1 male

French name : Serpent roi de Californie
English name : California king snake
Latin name: Lampropeltis getulus california


Magazoo High red translucent Bearded dragon #2

High red translucent Bearded dragon #2

French name : Dragon barbu
English name : Bearded dragon
Latin name: Pagona vitticeps


Magazoo High red translucent Bearded Dragon #1

High red translucent Bearded Dragon #1

French name : Dragon barbu
English name : Bearded dragon
Latin name: Pagona vitticeps


Magazoo High red hypo trans Dunner Bearded dragon #1

High red hypo trans Dunner Bearded dragon #1

French name : Dragon barbu
English name : Bearded dragon
Latin name: Pagona vitticeps


Magazoo High red hypo trans Dunner Bearded Dragon #2

High red hypo trans Dunner Bearded Dragon #2

French name : Dragon barbu
English name : Bearded dragon
Latin name: Pagona vitticeps


Magazoo Hypo leatherback Zero Bearded dragon

Hypo leatherback Zero Bearded dragon

French name : Dragon barbu
English name : Bearded dragon
Latin name: Pagona vitticeps


Magazoo Pine Isle Chahua gecko

Pine Isle Chahua gecko

French name : Gecko Chahua
English name : Chahua gecko
Latin name: Rhacodactylus chahoua


Magazoo High Yellow Female Leopard Gecko 11/09/24

High Yellow Female Leopard Gecko 11/09/24

French name : Gecko léopard
English name : Leopard gecko
Latin name: Eublepharis macularius


Magazoo Mandarin Bandit X Bold Stripe Female Leopard Gecko 12/28/24

Mandarin Bandit X Bold Stripe Female Leopard Gecko 12/28/24

French name : Gecko léopard
English name : Leopard gecko
Latin name: Eublepharis macularius


Magazoo Brazilian blue tarantula (3/4'')/Pterinopelma sazimai

Brazilian blue tarantula (3/4'')/Pterinopelma sazimai

French name : Mygale bleue brésilienne
English name : Brazilian blue tarantula
Latin name Pterinopelma sazimai


Magazoo Green Bottle Blue tarantula (1'') / Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens

Green Bottle Blue tarantula (1'') / Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens

French name Mygale Green Bottle Blue
English name : Green Bottle Blue tarantula
Latin name: Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens


Magazoo Extreme Harlequin Dalmatian juvenile female Crested Gecko

Extreme Harlequin Dalmatian juvenile female Crested Gecko

French name : Gecko à crête
English name : Crested gecko
Latin name: Correlophus ciliatus
