• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

All the animals

Before buying a pet, take the time to learn about its character, needs, adult size, what it eats, and the equipment needed to keep it in captivity. This will allow you to keep your pet healthy and for a long time.

We have a very wide variety of snakes, lizards, turtles, amphibians, arachnids and scorpions in stock.

Affichage   108 - 119 sur 297
Magazoo Juvenile Golden frog poison Phyllobates terribilis

Juvenile Golden frog poison Phyllobates terribilis

French name : Grenouille poison Phyllobates terribilis Jaune
English name : Golden frog poison
Latin name: Phyllobates terribilis Jaune


Magazoo Blizzard Corn Snake  #1

Blizzard Corn Snake #1

French name : Serpent des blés
English name : Corn Snake
Latin name: Pantherophis guttatus


Magazoo Baby Hypo Leatherback Bearded Dragon #1 (Missing tail tip)

Baby Hypo Leatherback Bearded Dragon #1 (Missing tail tip)

French name : Dragon barbu
English name : Bearded dragon
Latin name: Pagona vitticeps


Magazoo Baby Hypo Bearded Dragon #2 (Missing tip of tail)

Baby Hypo Bearded Dragon #2 (Missing tip of tail)

French name : Dragon barbu
English name : Bearded dragon
Latin name: Pagona vitticeps


Magazoo Baby Eastern collard lizard Captive born

Baby Eastern collard lizard Captive born

French name : Lézard à collier de l'est
English name : Eastern collard lizard
Latin name: Crotaphytus collaris


Magazoo Volcano female Leopard gecko F2. 09/24/24

Volcano female Leopard gecko F2. 09/24/24

French name : Gecko léopard
English name : Leopard gecko
Latin name: Eublepharis macularius


Magazoo Male Baby 2024 Eastern Collard Lizard born in captivity  / Adoption - 2nd chance (Tail)

Male Baby 2024 Eastern Collard Lizard born in captivity / Adoption - 2nd chance (Tail)

French name : Lézard à collier de l'est
English name : Eastern collard lizard
Latin name: Crotaphytus collaris



Magazoo Matcha Green horned frog (Pac Man)

Matcha Green horned frog (Pac Man)

French name : Grenouille cornue d'Argentine
English name Horned frog (PacMan)
Latin name: Ceratophrys sp


Magazoo Gulf coast box turtle

Gulf coast box turtle

French name Tortue boîte Golf
English name : Gulf coast box turtle
Latin name: Terrapne carolina major


Magazoo Baby Chinese Box turtle/Cuora flavomarginata 2

Baby Chinese Box turtle/Cuora flavomarginata 2

French name : Tortue boîte de Chine
English name : Chinese Box turtle
Latin name: Cuora flavomarginata



Magazoo Hercules tarantula (3.5'') / Hysterocrates hercules

Hercules tarantula (3.5'') / Hysterocrates hercules

French name Mygale Hercules
English name : Hercules tarantula
Latin name: Haplocosmia himalayana


Magazoo Kenyan Zebra skink Captive Born 10-28-24

Kenyan Zebra skink Captive Born 10-28-24

French name : Scinque zébré du Kenya
English name : Kenyan Zebra skink
Latin name: Trachylepis dichroma
